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Life at Trilitech | Jagriti Chawla, Product Manager


In the next edition of this series, we have Jagriti Chawla, Product Manager at Trilitech.

Before joining the team, Jagriti spent a good chunk of her career in the FinTech space focused on B2B and B2C solutions for merchants.

In 2021, she moved to London and landed a role at Revolut where she delivered product solutions for merchant payments and the stocks trading platform.

Let's chat with Jagriti.


What does your role as a product manager entail?

 Every six months or so, we gather the vertical teams (Culture, DeFi, and Gaming) for a road mapping session. We dive deep into customer needs and suss out what our competitors are up to. From there, we list down all the features and prioritise tasks based on the north star metric.

As a PM, I take the lead on prioritising features–factors like reach, impact, and engineering effort play a big role here. Once prioritised, I write an extensive requirement document (PRD) for every feature. 

This is passed on to the Design team to figure out the user flow, and the Engineering team to align on the vision and implementation. From that point forward, Engineering begins development, and then it’s all hands on desk for testing before we move ahead with the rollout. 

Tell us about a current project you're working on. 

I'm currently focused on dApp (decentralised application) development, with a spotlight on Kanvas. It's our Web3 storefront for Tier 1 brands that's got some big hitters like Manchester United on board.

How has your role changed since your first month here?

The early days were a whirlwind! With a smaller team, we had to move faster. Now, as the team's grown, we've put processes in place to keep things running smoothly and enhance productivity. We have regular strategy meetings and proper roadmap planning.

What three words come to mind when you think of Trilitech?

Innovative, fun, and passionate.

How would you describe the company culture?

It's very inclusive. We're a team made up of multiple nationalities and have an open door culture. You can walk up to anyone with problems or solutions. On the social side, we have regular events which are always good fun. 

What was your journey into Web3?

Trilitech was my first step into Web3 and the learning curve has been steep! I wouldn't change it as every day you're learning something new which keeps you motivated.

Why Trilitech?

I wanted to dive into Web3 and Trilitech felt like the right fit. Finding the right team was really important to me and I was inspired by the energy and forward-thinking vibe.

Have you had any standout moments since joining?

Definitely hitting 3.2 million mints on Kanvas within a year. It was a massive milestone!

What's next on your radar for the coming months?

I'm itching to dive deeper into DeFi and learn more about the concrete use cases coming through. There's always something new and exciting on the horizon in this space. 

Interested in joining our growing Product function? Check out our open positions
