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Life at Trilitech | Beata Lipska, Developer Relations Engineer


Welcome back to our Life at Trilitech series. This week, we have Beata, a Developer Relations Engineer who’s been making waves since she joined with her blend of technical expertise and passion for people.


Can you summarise your career before Trilitech?
Before transitioning into tech, I spent a large part of my career as a full-time teacher. Teaching gave me immense fulfilment, especially when it came to helping people grow, and it shaped a lot of how I approach my current role in DevRel (Developer Relations). 

Eventually, I made a switch to a technical career, starting as a Software Engineer in FinTech. I’ve always been very technical and enjoyed coding. But as much as I love that side of things, my passion for people and their development has always been stronger.

My transition to DevRel wasn’t straightforward—it’s a field which you need experience to break into. I’d organised hackathons in my previous role but Web2 didn’t offer me the opportunities I was looking for. It was my dev friends working in Web3 that first pointed me towards the space, and I found my first fully remote role in Web3 shortly after. 

What does your day-to-day as a DevRel Engineer look like?
A lot of my role evolves around advocacy. I record video tutorials, give presentations, and generally thrive in activities that let me engage with people. Recently, I had the chance to lead a panel at TezDev, as well as conduct a live demo of Jstz—though live demos are always a challenge, they’re one of my favourite parts of the job.

Additionally, I spend a lot of time monitoring and responding to community messages, guiding people toward the right documentation when they need help. I also consult with grantees to offer developer guidance and training. There’s a lot of teamwork involved too—whether that’s organising hackathons to attract new builders to Tezos or ensuring that our documentation is up-to-date. Lately, I’ve also been working on website updates for our developer portal, alongside my usual work managing team tasks. 

How would you describe your first month at Trilitech and how is it different today?
My first month was a bit of a whirlwind. Coming from a fully remote role, it was a big change to switch to in-person work. I felt quite insecure initially and found myself second-guessing my contributions to the team. But over time, I’ve become much more confident and focused. 

Nowadays, I enjoy coming into the office in London (despite my two-hour commute!). It feels like I’m part of something bigger than just Trilitech—it’s the whole Tezos ecosystem and community. I particularly felt this connection after attending TezDev. 


What’s your favourite thing about Trilitech?
The people, without a doubt. The team is incredibly supportive, and you’re always surrounded by colleagues who lift you up. There’s no room to grow in a silo here; everyone works together, creating a real sense of belonging. And I’m learning something new every single day.

I also really value the Tezos ecosystem. One of the co-founders is a woman, and as someone who’s passionate about supporting women in tech, that really resonates with me. The Web3 space is gender-agnostic, but I’ve been happy to see a lot of women active in this community. 


How would you describe the company culture?
One of my favourite aspects of Trilitech’s culture is our “desire to win” mentality. In previous roles, there wasn’t much focus on winning or taking pride in our work. Here, it’s different. The team represents this culture by always supporting each other, and that makes it easy to ask for help when needed. It really feels like we’re part of something bigger with a shared mission.

What’s been your highlight so far?
Presenting Jstz at TezDev was a definite highlight from a technical perspective. It was an exciting challenge to create content and then present it in front of a live audience. The energy in the community is incredible, and it’s so important to keep up the momentum in what we’re building. 


Any tips for someone looking to break into DevRel?
Be brave and take the leap. Don’t care about what other people think and trust your instinct. If you believe in the space, do everything you can to learn and join it. Reach out and make connections—networking is key. Technology plays such a big role in our lives so help people understand it and give them the knowledge to break into the field.

Beata’s journey into Web3 and DevRel showcases her curiosity and passion for empowering others. We’re looking forward to all the amazing work she’ll continue to do for the ecosystem! Stay tuned to hear more from the team. 

Interested in joining Beata’s team? Check out our openings
